Diesel Generator Replacement

Mar 20, 2024

Island Nations Energy Security from Resilient Renewable Microgrids

Island nations heavily rely on imported fossil fuels for their energy needs. This dependency on diesel-generated power has been a significant challenge for these nations in terms of energy security, environmental sustainability, and economic development. However, renewable energy storage systems like the Harnyss Oasis system can provide resilient microgrids that last more than..

Mar 20, 2024

Replacing Diesel Generators with Renewables and Hydrogen

Harnyss Oasis Clean hydrogen is produced from water and renewable energy through electrolysis. The process requires electricity from renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, that have no greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen can be used for fuel, either in an internal combustion engine or by producing electricity in a fuel cell to power an electric powertrain or..

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